Sunday, September 8, 2019

Three Lies of Puerh

Lie one: Pu-erh tea is the aged the more fragrant
Pu-erh tea will be more fragrant in a certain year, but the active ingredients of more than 40 years old tea have disappeared.
Lie 2: Raw tea will become cooked tea for a period of time.
The concept of “turning to life” has been circulating in the market for a long time, until today, the pursuit of other origins, even traced back to several Taiwanese tea people when Pu-erh tea was just emerging. It can be seen that its legacy is deep.
In fact, how to save the raw material will not become mature, it is the difference
 in technology, the production process is not the same, cooked tea is 
fermented by the pile reactor process. It is said that the storage of Sheng Pu 
will become mature after a period of time. This concept is just like a rice will 
become a noodle in your home for a few days. Your raw tea will only become 
old tea after a long time.
Lie 3: Palace Pu-erh is to drink for the emperor
Cooked tea was born in the 1970s. Most people think that the concept of the 
court Pu-erh was first appeared after 1999. It is still almost a 00. Which 
emperor do you want it to drink?
For more info visit 

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