Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Procedure of Qizi Cake Puerh

There is a well-known species in Pu-erh tea, which is the "qizi cake."
It is also called "seven-sons cake" is a tube of seven cakes. This is an ancient system that was handed down from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The seven-in-one cake tea has become an absolute proportion of Pu-erh tea.
When Pu-erh tea is finished, it is a state of loose tea. The process of "loose tea" becoming "pressing tea" is called "pressing tea."
1, weigh tea
Generally, iron drums are used to weigh tea, and loose tea is put into iron drums, and 357 grams are weighed. (or other grams)
2, steamed tea
Steam the tea leaves in water, usually steam for half a minute, the tea leaves can be soft.
3, cloth bag
The steamed loose tea is packed into a special cloth bag, and the number of different bags is different. Generally, it is 357g, 300g, and 500g.
4, pinch shape
Tighten the bag and pinch out the round shape. The knot of the bag is the last 
"inner nest" of the cake tea.
5, stone grinding tea
In the traditional process, stone-grinding tea will be used, and the stone tea 
pressed by the stone mill is moderately tight and will not destroy the shape of 
the dry tea. Generally press for 3-5 minutes. In the modern process, the 
machine presses the tea, which is more compact than the stone grinding, but it
 is easy to destroy the dry tea form, and the later conversion is slower.
6, inspection
The tightness and shape of the pressed cake tea were examined.
7, press the shade
The pressed tea cake is cool together with the cloth bag, which is convenient 
for the subsequent tea cake to be unpacked and shaped.
8, the solution bag
Wait for the tea cake to cool down and then unpack the bag. At this time, you 
can see a complete tea cake.
9, dried
Sun drying, removing water vapor and excess water, is conducive to 
subsequent storage. It usually takes 2-3 days to dry.
10, cotton paper
Wrapped in cotton paper, a final version of Pu-erh tea appeared.
Pu-erh pressed into a cake was born in the historical process, because Pu-erh
 tea is transported through the ancient tea-horse road, making qizi cake tea more 
convenient for transportation and storage. Moreover, compared with loose tea,
 the cake tea is not easy to dissipate, and it can last for a long time and even 
more fragrant. Later conversions are also more stable.

 For more info visit 

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