Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pu-erh tea helps you to get rid of smoking

First, eliminate the role of smoke and odor. Pu-erh tea contains high levels of flavonoids and catechins and is a good deodorant that removes bad breath from smoking. Therefore, in the late 1980s, there were food products in China and Japan that had been cleared of bad breath and detoxification after smoking. The chewing gum containing Pu-erh tea deodorant can be effectively chewed for 3 minutes, and the deodorization rate of the smoke odor is over 90%.

Second, the elimination of free radicals. In recent years, some scholars have proved through animal experiments that the toxicity of smoke after tar reduction has not been significantly reduced. It is speculated that tar may not be a "carcinogen" in cigarette toxicity, and the toxicity is mainly from aldehydes and phenolic compounds. Some free radicals that are still unclear. Some scholars believe that smoke gas contains a lot of alkyl radicals. These free radicals induce peroxidation of biofilm lipid macromolecules and are exacerbated by prolonged smoking time.
Third, to suppress the toxicity of tobacco carcinogens. In 1976, Sanderson in the United States reported that the catechin structure in Pu-erh tea can remove nitrite, while the nitrite in tobacco leaves produces nitrosamines during combustion. Therefore, it is believed that Pu-erh tea has a potential anti-cancer effect. According to the American scholar Amers test method, it is considered that the addition of L-epicatechol gallate to the filter of cigarettes has a significant effect of suppressing the carcinogenic substance of cigarettes.
Fourth, eliminate the toxicity of nicotine. Nicotine is also known as "nicotine" (C10H14N2) and tobacco essence. It is violently toxic and has a boiling point of 247 °C. If a single inhalation of 400mg can kill people. It stimulates the central nervous system and heart. A large number of studies in the former Soviet Union have found that the polyphenols tannins and tannins in Pu-erh tea can be combined with nicotine in cigarettes to form a non-toxic complex. In addition, there is good filtration effect on nicotine. British studies have also shown that tannins in Pu-erh tea have the effect of destroying and reducing the toxicity of nicotine in tobacco, and have developed a low-nicotine content cigarette "tea smoke" to be put on the market.

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